Information About Treatments

Before receiving any treatments at Inner glow , you will be invited to have a consultation with me , this is to make sure that you fully understand the treatment you wish to have , and to ask any questions ,whilst allowing me the opportunity to obtain any relevant information from you that may be necessary and beneficial, I am happy to do this via telephone if this is more convenient for you, we can then book your first appointment.


The wordReiki” translates to ” universal life force” and is a form of energy healing that was rediscovered in Japan in the 20th century , it’s non invasive and is given by gently placing hands either on or just above your body, in a sequence of position including your head, torso & limbs, for a few minutes at a time. You remain fully clothed at all times and will only be asked to remove your footwear, you will then be asked to lay on the couch, or if more suitable you can sit in a chair.

As I place my hands either on/over each position, energy is channelled to activate the natural healing process, you may feel a sensation of Heat, Tingling, Coolness or nothing at all as Reiki is given, everyone’s experience is different and unique to them. When I sense that the energy has stopped flowing in one area, I will then move on to the next, this will also vary from person to person and likely from session to session.
At the end of your treatment you may feel a sense of total relaxation and calmness, some people will fall asleep during Reiki whilst others feel energized as the natural healing process starts to take place, with Reiki there is no right or wrong , it is unique to you.

Some of the way Reiki can help you…..
Help you to relax
Improve sleep
Help to relieve / reduce – Tension / Stress/ Anxiety / Pain
Emotional Cleansing
Clear Energy Blocks

Chakra and Aura Cleansing + Rebalancing

Chakra and Aura healing is another form of energy healing, it is non intrusive, and helps with the clearing of energy blocks and any negative energy that can impact us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
This Cleansing involves the cleansing of your Aura ( your energy field that surrounds your body) along with the 7 main Chakras ( your energy centres) which can all be affected by day to day life, resulting in us feeling physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Your treatment will involve the sending + receiving of healing energy so that your Chakras can heal , rebalance and work harmoniously again. After treatment most people have said they’ve felt a drastic improvement to their sense of wellbeing.

Some of the things Chakra and Aura Healing can help you with are…

  • Help to ease Anxiety/Tension/Stress/Pain
  • Help you to relax
  • Promotes better sleep and relaxation
  • Improve your mood/energy /self awareness
  • Help you to feel more grounded

Stress & Anxiety Management

Stress is a natural part of life and something that we’ll all experience to varying degrees at some point, However, long-term stress can start to have a negative affect on your general wellbeing, resulting in physical, mental and emotional symptoms such as .
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Insomnia &Fatigue
  • Pain & Headaches
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Digestive Issues & Acid reflux
You don’t however have to suffer in silence , you can take back control and learn some simple and effective techniques to help you cope with and reduce Stress.

Hopi Ear Candling

Hopi Ear Candling is a gentle treatment that involves placing a special candle with a filter gently into the outer ear canal, the candle is then ignited at the other end, creating a vacuum that can help to draw out congestion and compacted wax. It’s an extremely relaxing treatment that can offer great relief to many problems concerning the ears, nose and throat areas,
Some of the health conditions that can benefit from Hopi ear candling are …
⦁ Migraine and Headaches
⦁ Sinus congestion
⦁ Vertigo / dizziness
⦁ Stress and Anxiety
⦁ Excessive earwax / Glue ear
⦁ Cold and Flu
⦁ Hay fever
⦁ Irritation within the ear
⦁ Swimmer’s ear (otitis external)
⦁ Snoring
⦁ Balance problems
⦁ Pre/ Post Flying / Diving pressure
***Hopi ear candling is not recommended for individuals that are allergic to any of the ingredients within the candles, (Unbleached Cotton, Bees Wax, Honey Extract and Indian Herbs such as Sage, St. John’s Wort , Camomile.), anyone suffering from a perforated ear drum, infection or inflammation in or around the ear, if you have recently undergone ear surgery or have grommets.***

Relaxation Therapy

If you would like to start feeling calmer , more rested and focused , reduce any tension, stress or anxiety then relaxation therapy could be for you.
Learn how to relieve stress levels and boost your mood with some easy and powerful relaxation techniques, helping to bring calm to both body and mind.

Relaxation Therapy can help with Many different conditions such as…

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Sleep Issues
  • Physical Pain
  • Phobias
  • Emotional Issues
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • General wellbeing

Tarot Reading

Some times we all need a little Guidance or clarity, I have been reading Tarot and Oracle for over 30 years now and have also studied Numerology.
I offer Honest, Compassionate and Straight forward readings, with the assistance of my Spirit team,  which have always receive a lot of positive feedback .