
DISTANCE REIKI Distance Reiki is perfect for those who are unable to make it to my treatment room, each session usually lasts around 30 minutes., Please book your appointment online and I will contact you to arrange a time with you and answer any questions you may have.

Reiki session (1st appointment) Reiki is a form of energy healing , it is non invasive and is given by gently placing my hands over /on your body, in a sequence of position including your head, torso & limbs, for a few minutes at a time. You remain fully clothed at all times.


Stress & Anxiety Management Stress is a natural part of life and something that we’ll all experience to varying degrees at some point, However it doesn’t need to take over and impact every aspect of your life, start taking back control and learn some simple and effective ways to cope with and reduce Stress and…

Stress & Anxiety Management Stress is a natural part of life and something that we’ll all experience to varying degrees at some point, However it doesn’t need to take over and impact every aspect of your life, start taking back control and learn some simple and effective ways to cope with and reduce Stress and…

Relaxation Therapy ( 1st session) Learn how to relieve stress levels and boost your mood with some easy and powerful relaxation techniques, helping to bring calm to both body and mind.

Relaxation Therapy- (follow up session)

Chakra and Aura Cleansing + Rebalancing (1st appointment) Chakra and Aura healing is another form of energy healing, it is non intrusive, and involves clearing stagnant energy, blocks and any negative energy that can impact us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Chakra and Aura Cleansing + Rebalancing -follow up session

Hopi Ear Candling (1st session) Hopi Ear Candling is a gentle treatment that involves placing a special candle with a filter gently into the outer ear canal.

Hopi Ear Candling -follow up session